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Our Response to the coronavirus

MAY 27, 2020


Hello all.

There will be no midweek service tonight.

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday.  We will meet for Bible study at 9 a.m. in the sanctuary and on facebook.

Worship with communion will begin at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary and on facebook.  We are thankful that COVID cases in Seward County have been steadily dropping for more than a month now, but we will continue to observe the following temporary restrictions.


  • Please stay home if you have any symptoms of the flu.

  • Please register at if you plan to attend worship on Sunday.

  • Communion vessels are wiped down with alcohol and prepared with gloves on.

  • Main entrance doors and the doors to the sanctuary will be blocked open.

  • Hand sanitizer is available as you enter.

  • Worship folders can be picked up as you enter.

  • Masks are welcome, but not required.

  • Every other pew is blocked off to maintain social distancing. Your usual pew may not be available.  Please spread out.

  • No offering will be taken during the service.  Offerings can be placed in plates at each entrance to the sanctuary.

  • We will sing during the service, but less than normal.

  • We will spread out at the communion rail for the Lord’s Supper.

  • Pastor Wehling will wash his hands before the service and before communion.

  • Pastor Wehling will wear a mask during the distribution of the Lord’s Supper.

  • Please remain standing at the communion rail (do not kneel).

  • The common cup is not being offered at this time.

  • At the end of the service, worshippers will leave the sanctuary starting from the back pew to the front.

These restrictions will continue to be revised as the situation changes.  Your patience is much appreciated!  If you have any feedback, feel free to email me or call (624-5900) or contact one of your elders: Ray Eichman or Justin Carter



Pastor Wehling

April 1, 2020

Hello all.

Psalm 46:1 “God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present help in trouble.”  During these uncertain times, where do we turn?  The evening news?  Social media?  How about we turn to the solid truths of God’s Word! Though the mountains tremble (Psalm 46:3), we know that “the Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress” (v. 7).  


Over the two thousand years of her existence, the Christian Church has endured many hardships – persecutions, conflict, epidemics, “toil and tribulation,” “tumult of her war” (LSB 644).  Through it all, her foundation has remained the same:  Jesus Christ her Lord.  

The Church’s response to hardship is preserved for us in the hymns and prayers that have been handed down to us in our liturgy and hymnody.  For example, Hymn 895 “Now Thank We All Our God,” was written in Germany in the 1600s during a time when both a terrible plague and the Thirty Years War were raging.  Hymn 656 “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” was written by Martin Luther in 1527 during a pandemic of bubonic plague.  Hymn 644 “The Church’s One Foundation” was written in England in the 1860s in response to false doctrine being taught in the Church.  The point is, whatever it is we’re going through, your brothers and sisters in Christ of previous eras have probably been through similar situations.  And the Church’s response has always been to run to the promises of God, repeat them boldly, and sing them loudly.

So, listen closely to the hymns and prayers handed down to us.  These are not shallow platitudes arbitrarily declaring “everything’s going to be alright.”  These are the testimonies of those who have endured before what you’re currently experiencing. Let the Church continue to point us to God’s Word and promises, the power of God to protect us, the hope of His victory in Jesus over sin, death, and hell.  “On Christ, the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand!” (LSB 575)

The Latest Updates:

Tonight’s Lenten midweek worship service will be streamed online at 6:30 p.m. at  Note that even if you’re not on facebook, you can still watch the video.  You do not have to sign up for facebook.  

Prayer requests are always welcome. You can email them to me at this address. Let me know if you want the request announced publicly in the worship service.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday!  Worship will be streamed online at 10:30 a.m. at

The Lord’s Supper will be offered at Grace this Saturday and Sunday, April 4 and 5, every half hour from 1 – 5 p.m. to groups of 9 or less.  The common cup will not be offered at this time.  You may sign up at this link.  Click “Sign Up” next to the time slot you want, then choose how many participants, then click Submit at the bottom of the screen.  Or, you may call the church office weekday mornings and Sandy will get you registered.  Please observe social distancing as you come and go.  


A children’s book about Holy Week and a palm branch will be available for each household to take home. Even if you don’t come for communion, you’re welcome to stop by and pick up your palm branch and book.

Offerings may be left at the church office on weekdays from 9 to noon. Or, you can mail them to 1200 W 11th, Liberal, KS 67901. Or, you can give online by using the venmo mobile app and searching for Grace-Lutheran-1.

Questions?  Call or email me.  Your feedback is always welcome.  


Pastor Wehling


March 25, 2020

Hello all.


In response to Governor Kelly’s most recent mandate limiting gatherings to ten people or less, Grace Lutheran Church will no longer worship together in the sanctuary until further notice.  Worship services, beginning tonight, will be available via facebook live only.  Please join us!


Lenten midweek worship will begin tonight at 6:30 p.m.  Like our facebook page ( and you’ll receive a notification when the service is about to begin.  Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. will be available by the same method.


Offerings may be mailed to the church or bring them by the office on weekday mornings.  Or, you can give electronically by downloading the Venmo app on your smartphone.  Search for Grace on Venmo by using our email address  If it asks for the last four digits of our phone number, use 2624.


A plan for offering the Lord’s Supper to groups of ten or less is being established.  We will let you know as soon as that plan is ready.


Our website has resources available for learning the faith at home.  Please check it out!  Your suggestions are welcome!


Thank you for your patience.  I’m praying for you and for all of us!


Pastor Wehling


March 19, 2020


Dear Members of Grace,


Greetings in the name of Jesus, our risen Lord and Savior!


In response to the coronavirus, I share the following announcements:


Sunday School, Adult Bible Class, midweek meal, and midweek classes are all cancelled until further notice.  Most meetings and activities at the church are also cancelled.


However, recognizing that gathering around God’s Word with our family in Christ is exceedingly important, we do plan to meet this Sunday at Grace for worship at 10:30 a.m.  The service will also be streamed on facebook live at  We will reassess early next week whether to continue to offer a worship service at Grace.  Even if we cancel services at the church, we’ll still offer an online streaming option.


Out of Christian love for our neighbor, especially the elderly, please observe the following:


• It’s fine if you stay home.  Join us on facebook live at 10:30.

• If you are not feeling well, have a cough, or feel flu-like symptoms, stay home.

• Please wash your hands regularly.

• Observe social distancing in the church (six feet away from others).  This may prevent you from sitting in your usual place.

• Hymnals will not be utilized. Everything will be on the screen and/or in the folder.

• No hand shaking or other physical contact.

• Worship folders can be picked up as you enter the sanctuary.

• Offerings may be left in the offering plates near the exit at the end of the service.

• We will not utilize the fellowship books for registering attendance.


If you’re planning to attend in person this Sunday, please RSVP the church office at


If you’re unable to bring your offering to church, please mail it.  We are working on providing an online giving option.  Thank you for helping us keep our bills paid.


If you’d like me to visit you, please let me know.  I’m happy to come!


If you have any questions or concerns, give me a call at 620-624-5900 or 620-655-2624.


Sincerely, in Christ,


Rev. Andrew Wehling



March 16, 2020

No midweek meal or classes this Wednesday, March 18. We will meet for Lenten midweek worship at 6:30 p.m.


March 14, 2020

Dear Members of Grace,

Greetings in the name of Jesus, our risen Lord and Savior!

We continue to carefully monitor the advice of government authorities regarding the rapidly changing situation with coronavirus.

At this time, we plan to continue with our normal schedule at Grace. This includes Sunday School, Bible Class, Sunday worship, and midweek. We will adjust this schedule as the situation warrants.

Out of Christian love for our neighbor (Mark 12:31), especially the elderly, during this time of uncertainty regarding the Coronavirus, we are taking the following steps:

  • The sanctuary, fellowship area, and bathrooms will be sanitized at least weekly, with extra effort toward wiping down surfaces and door handles.

  • If you are not feeling well, have a cough, or feel flu-like symptoms, please stay home.

  • Please wash your hands regularly.

  • If you would rather not shake hands, fist bumps or waves are fine! (Or, refrain from contact altogether.)

  • The pastor and the elder will wash their hands before the distribution of the Lord’s Supper.

  • If you prefer to refrain from receiving the Lord’s Supper, that’s okay.

  • Instead of handing out worship folders by hand, we will have the folders available for you to pick up at the entrance to the sanctuary.

  • Instead of passing offering plates by hand, we will receive offerings at the end of the service in offering plates near the exit.

  • Audio recordings of the Scripture readings, sermon, and Prayer of the Church will be available each week via our website and facebook page.

With these precautions, we hope to help limit the spread of Coronavirus, both for our benefit and the benefit of our neighbor.

Our confidence is always rooted in our loving and gracious God. Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the founder and protector of our faith, as we pray for our secular leaders who work to eradicate this disease.

Sincerely, in Christ,

Rev. Andrew Wehling

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