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When to Arrive
If it's your first visit to Grace Lutheran, it's best to arrive about 10 minutes early.  There's plenty of parking at the church. 


What to Wear
We dress nicely but casually. 

What to Expect
You may sit anywhere in the sanctuary where a seat is open.  Each worship service lasts for approximately one hour. The service outline is printed in a bulletin (worship folder) you'll receive as you walk in after being greeted by an usher. It's also displayed on screens at the front of the sanctuary. The service begins with a brief welcome, music, a prayer, and readings from the Bible. It continues with a message from the Bible designed to help us understand God, who we are, and the world in which we live. Communion is celebrated on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month. We also host a second Sunday potluck each month with a rotating theme. 

What About My Kids?
At Grace, families are encouraged to worship together for the entire service.  If needed, a cry room is available.  There are age-appropriate activity bags near the front door. We also have children's activity pages available from an usher.  On second and fourth Sundays, children are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a brief children's message right before the sermon.  A Sunday School meets each Sunday during the school year at 9:30 a.m. with an opening in the sanctuary. We usually have an activity or two available for the kids apart from the Sunday service, so be sure to check out the newsletter for these 
activities. These events are open to all families in the church, so be sure to ask to be added to the email for the newsletter at to make sure you don't miss out.


What About Communion?
The Bible teaches that in the Lord's Supper we receive Jesus' true body and blood (in a miraculous way), together with bread and wine, for the forgiveness of our sins and the strengthening of our faith. We desire that those who receive this sacrament understand what they're receiving and why they need it.  If you're new to Grace, please speak with Pastor Toombs before receiving the Lord's Supper.  

Is it Just Sundays?
Absolutely not! We desire to live out our faith everyday. Each summer, we host a week-long Vacation Bible School.  Other Bible studies and activities will be listed in the bulletin. There are devotional materials available in the fellowship hall to help direct you in God's Word and offer a short prayer. We also make Our Congregation at Prayer available with additional material for each week, including daily reads from the Bible, a short set of learning by heart (memorizing) section including a Bible verse, a portion of the Small Catechism, and a hymn to sing that is included on the insert in the bulletin. Our faith is lived out at church, in the home, and wherever we lay down our heads.

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